So…. what’s this site all about…

I guess I started this blog to write about one of my passions…which has always been personal style. I love seeing people wear what shows their own personality, even if its not something amazing…if it shows WHO they are…its interesting to me. Nobody in the world dresses the same… all…ever! even if they wear the same clothes, they will have different hair, eyes etc.. so the clothes will look different from one person to the next. I find that to be the most fascinating part about style………I also like good clothes…so I guess there is that too -__-

I never in my life thought I would be wearing ripped jeans, Part of my job is to sometimes paint, construct sets…so these are my work jeans which I stupidly ripped on a nail poking out from an old chair. I wear them from time to time when I want to channel the 80′s and 90′s or if its a hot day and I want to keep my knee cap cool. (it works I tells ya) but they can work for some things.

I also wore my favourite mustard jumper from Topman, as well as a Turquoise Tompan shirt (got in Melbourne) My favourite Asos Saddle shoes (I will stop posting them I promise) and a hooded jacket I got from Jack London and while back.

Added some wrist bling, and some of my favourite badges…and we are done. all in all…something I don’t normally wear, but its growing on me.

Mustard is by far my favourite colour! People that know me will agree with this.