Electric blue….
So this suit is the same from this past post here Ive just re-jigged it a little…different shirt…different tie.
I often find that the best way to choose what to wear is remember back to when you wore something you thought worked really really well…wear the same thing…but change it up a little. I do this a lot…in fact..maybe too much…but don’t tell anyone.
This suit, as I have mentioned before..is hard to wear, I very rarely wear it as a full suit..in fact…almost never. But its great as a pair of trousers or just as a really nice statement blazer. Funny story actually…I got this suit many many years ago from clearit in Melbourne…they had the right sized jacket (44) but only had a size 30 pants…now..I take the smallest size they make (26) so I thought I would just get the size 30 pants and see if I can do anything with them…flash forward like..2 years or something silly like that and I still hadn’t worn them once. So I resorted to stealing a friends sewing machine for the weekend and I decided that I would just tailor them myself. Anyone who knows me..knows I cant sew to save my life….normally a sewing machine will catch on fire the second I put my foot on the pedal thingo (is that what its called?)…but I had a couple of days free and just figured it all out myself. The result…well…the tailors of Savile Row would turn in their graves..BUT! they are much better..and I can actually wear them without looking like I am wearing a pair of oxford bags…what an adventure it was though
Here I wore a suit by Jack London, Shirt by Ben Sherman and a tie I bought from an awesome vintage shop here in Adelaide.