Its the first birthday of!!
So ive put together a little thank you and collage of looks that have appeared over the course of this year.
So I’ve been writing this blog for just over a year now, it doesn’t feel that long…it only feels like the other day my brother pat and I were out taking photos under the local tram underpass (which I still use as a location from time to time). Many bloggers I’ve since talked to have said they originally started their blogs as something fun to do..which is true for me really. It originally started on as just some random posts of my suits, then I moved to tumblr and finally to here and the site is still growing with more posts by the week.
So where is this blog going from here? Well the honest answer to that question is..I don’t know i think ill just keep going with what i enjoy which is sharing my outfit posts with you all…and if i get time ill write the odd article here and there
I would like to take a moment to thank my older brother Patrick…who takes every single photo that goes on this site, because without him the blog wouldn’t exist my mate Zach who helps me with the music on the videos and also the companies who have supported me or collaborated with me over the course of this year especially Jack London and Tailors of Distinction….But! most of all I would also like to thank all of you who read this on a regular basis