Two and Three


The Baskerville Suit – Jack London ♦


Ive decided ill start posting a few more articles…since Im sure you must get sick of me posting outfits…all..the…time. The simple idea behind this is that every season I tend to choose a bunch of around 10 items that Im probably going to be buying.

Since this was a 3 piece suit i counted it as such :P

Winter in my opinion is the time for 3 piece suits, especially in a herringbone or heavier wool fabric. I personally LOVE the slightly old fashioned classic feel it gives off. This suit in particular has a bit more of a late to early 70′s vibe…which is not normally what I go fore…but for some reason i cant quite articulate here…I really like it!.



The Sandhurst Trenchcoat – Jack London ♦

Yes yes…I know what you are planning to say…”but Ben…you already have this coat” Exactly! I loved it so much I HAD to buy it right away.  Ive been on the lookout for a really nice camel overcoat for about 5-6 winters now..I honestly never could find one. But this season’s offering at Jack London turned my head.



Number 5: Brown Tweed Blazer – ♦

The Last item in Part one…Is this tweed hunting blazer (well…fake-tweed) Ive wanted to get something like this since last winter…ive had a few brown wool blazers over the years…but none of them really fit that well. So Ive been eying a few by and for a couple of years but this winter ive resolved to actually buy one!