Why would someone wear an all black suit? Going to a funeral! or do you just work for the FBI?
It was my birthday the other day (well…way back on the 15th) And I decided to finally should get myself a black suit. There are so many choices out there for us men when it comes to suiting…some would disagree…they would say…just get a black 2 button suit with shoulder pads the size of buses.
I would disagree…We are spoilt for choice these days, In more ways you could imagine.
But the rules Ben….THE RULES!!
I read a lot on these menswear blog, about peoples opinions etc. and I have stayed away from doing that…I don’t want to be the kind of blogger that says stuff like…”skinny jeans are retarded..and anyone who wears them is out of fashion” that would not only be untrue..but also mean to those who wear them (since I love skinny jeans)
Something I also often read is…these so called perceived “rules” of menswear and one of them is….that you should never wear a black suit, unless you are going to a funeral. Now…I personally haven’t bought a proper black suit since…I didn’t think I was suppose to be wearing one, but after seeing this photo here or this one here I thought F**K it!
So I looked around since just out of interest…I thought I’d see if there was anywhere else that could give me that skinny fit I love. The last place I looked (of course) was Jack London..since I knew they had a super slim black suit.
I bought it..and Loved it, I now wear it most days when I want to wear a suit……but perhaps look a bit more edgy. I chose to wear a knitted tie instead of a regular neck tie..since it just changed it up a little
Here I wore the Jack London super slim black suit and black knitted tie with a white shirt and shoes from Asos.