Written by Ben Galbraith
The North

Red and black…you pretty much cant go wrong… I often admire people that can effortlessly pull of wearing all black and not look like this….or this..I actually think there is a real skill to pulling it off. I never can quite get it right…maybe one day I will be able to figure out how the […]


Firefly was a great show…. That had nothing to do with menswear blogging…but its true…its one of my favourite shows. That aside, on to this new post! Since we are coming into winter now, its time to start messing around with some fun layering, the easiest most simple way to layer some items is a t-shirt and […]

Back Of The Bus

Relaxing In the Sun…… Pat and I went for a wander down to our old primary school. It was quite possibly the most amazing sunset I have ever seen….and living in Australia…I see one every day. I love layering various textures and patterns, I find the best tip/thing to remember is that if you keep […]


Don’t you just love a bargain…. I was wandering in the CBD the other day…our main shopping strip here where I live isn’t really all that big so I pretty much know all the places I enjoy looking at, occasionally though you end up finding something that catches your eye. I remember seeing this jacket a while back when I visited […]

Red Door, Blue Door

Two tone fun…. I have seen as of late a lot of two tone stuff popping up all over the place. As half of the world is moving into spring/summer…It seems to be a really nice approach to wearing a suit and tie. There are some examples here, here and here so its no secret that […]

Yellow Submarine

I would call this yellow…or mustard perhaps… I recently started buying up jumpers and pullovers for our impending winter, After having looked around town for a while…I really couldn’t find anything that I quite liked as much as a couple of thick jumpers I saw on Asos Here and here (I got both colours :P) I’ve always loved the look […]

Grey and Grey

ITS THAT SUIT AGAIN!!!!!  Yes..its the return of the mad plaid! but I confess…this is one of my favourite suits its like a mental secret I keep from all my friends. Actually…its one of those “winter only” pieces that I will only wear on those really cold days we start getting around winter, I find (although this might sound […]

Brick by Brick

PLAID AND LEATHER! I dont really need to write much for this outfit really…its simple to see that this is my version of “casual” HA! this is really as casual as I get Here i purposely wore a shirt that’s a little big…this basically made sure it didn’t get lost behind the leather and scarf, I bought it from Big W […]

Fools On Parade

  Burgundy or wine? I’m never quite sure…. So..you have seen this suit before..this is the same item, just me wearing it more 60′s..ish.. Madmen season 5 has started, and with it my passion for amazing suiting…I love dressing like this at any occasion, sure sure it might be way over-dressed for regular Adelaidean society… and its never my intention to be one […]

Post Mix Lemonade

  Green is the colour of….Who knows Its coming to the end of summer/autumn here in little ol’ Adelaide..and with the cold face of winter drawing in, its time to start layering up. A lot of people are talking about this “layering” style…I honestly never thought it was actually a thing….its more just the art […]