All journeys start at the beginning So just like every post on this blog..they all start with a simple idea, often it might be something I’ve seen…or read somewhere that day/week. The Tailor Project started with a simple conversation I had with Andrew and Jason from Tailors of Distinction one afternoon when I waltzed into their Unley […]
Even though its summer here at the moment…we had a bit of a cold spell for a week or so, Ive been trying some layering options using my denim trucker jacket and pairing it with some heavier..more rustic looks. I quite like how it turned out. Here I wore: Olive wool suit– Jack London – Jacket […]
I have both the privilege and the pleasure to announce the biggest collaboration I have done to date here at kolonelmustard.com a project that has been in the works for many months now. I have partnered with Tailors of Distinction here in Adelaide, South Australia to share with you both the making of, and the story behind […]
Its the first birthday of kolonelmustard.com!! So ive put together a little thank you and collage of looks that have appeared over the course of this year. So I’ve been writing this blog for just over a year now, it doesn’t feel that long…it only feels like the other day my brother pat and I […]
A simple and understated look for summer (similar to my last post I know haha) Ive been enjoying the simple paired down look that you can get matching the tie with the suit (it very rarely works..so beware) Here I wore: Blue Suit– Jack London – Jacket Size: 44 Pants Size: 26 White Shirt – Jack […]
A bit of a classic american look for summer in a classic two piece suit, its probably way over doing it. But I still try and pull off a full suited look, even on the hotter days in summer. You’ll notice I’ve taken these pants up slightly more that I normally would..and I’m not wearing any socks as well, […]
T-shirts are one of the items I very rarely wear….BUT this summer has been so hot that I really cant wear anything else. So this post I’m showing how I tend to style myself during the VERY hot months of our Aussie summer. I like to keep things simple..but still have some fun details such as wearing an interesting pendant or a […]
Mixing and matching is something about summer that every guy should love. People feel less restricted in the warmer weather..and with that comes with the feeling of not being so formal with suiting. Here I wore: Tan Suit Jacket– Jack London – Jacket (44) Navy Suit pants – Jack London (size 26) White Button Up Shirt […]
As part of summer this year im trying many new things…one of them is wearing lighter colours more. I love black…and dark tones like brown, navy, green etc. so I figured I should try to step outside the box a bit. Here I wore: Tan Suit – Jack London – Jacket (44) Pants (26) White Button Up Shirt […]