Written by Ben Galbraith
Television Bandstand

 Light wash fun times! I’ve never owned a pair of light wash jeans. I often will look at them in stores and think…Ben…you could never pull those off..you’ll just end up looking like this guy  When I was contacted by getwear.com to trial some of their wears…I thought id try and give something different a go im […]


 Sunflowers!…. Are by far my favourite flower. Recently i was asked by getwear.com to trial their new system of custom made jeans. Now…I will often be emailed with various offers of product…be it clothing..accessories etc. I very rarely want to advertise someones business on my own blog space. But after reviewing what they were suggesting…I […]

Dark Stories

To plaid…or not to plaid….that is the question.  Get yourself a loud suit! Actually I’m just kidding…but its not a bad idea ey? Its pretty much winter now, which is when I start going a bit crazy wearing things like this. For some reason winter is the time when people seem to be a little […]

The Primaries

Primary Colours…. I’m not going to write my for this outfit post. So…you have been warned Its fun when you manage to start getting a few basic items that just seem to work really well with everything. These brown chinos by Jack London are a good example of finding something that just….well..works Browns are always really easy […]

New Things

In the heat of the morning…. I find some people seem to shy away from wearing denim on denim…maybe because it can look bad and amazing. I personally like it…if done right. I find sometimes denim can be a little to “easy” to wear for most guys…they wear it so much they forget what makes it […]


  1000 Popped collars….. Okay….now I must admit that the whole idea of “over-layering” is a pretty real thing…and I think I came pretty close to this being the case with this look. Its fun when the weather gets a little more nippy to find new ways of adding a little more warmth to an […]


Combinations…. Breaking things up every now and then is a really favourite of mine. This is another example of me mixing and matching my different suits up (here I’ve shown the colour pallet for reference) and if your at all scared of knowing if something works or not…just do this…break the colours down and see if they […]

The Man in The Grey Flannel Suit

Grey…. This in my opinion is the suit that ALL men should own…now..you don’t need the pants in such a skinny fit as me but a subtle slim fit would be fine. Having a suit in this mid-grey flannel is surprisingly versatile…you could pull this off at all sorts of occasions with the right items added. I’m not going to […]

The West Wing

Testing 1..2…3 I would be lying if I didn’t admit that one of my dreams is to own an amazing tweed suit. You watch any older movie and one of the things you notice is the amazing heavyweight suits you spot in films from the 50s 60s etc. Now…here in Australia..for the most part its warm, Adelaide has its winter […]

Eight Tracks

Tan suits…. Yep…they are pretty cool! Its an interesting colour to try and wear..some guys can make it look amazing! Others…look like a Miami drug lord. But I have to say..its a pretty easy colour to pull off, all you need to do is keep the other colours you pair with it simple and try not to mess with […]